Can You Wear Goggles with Eyelash Extensions

It is generally not recommended to go swimming with eyelash extensions. If you want to go swimming while wearing eyelash extensions, it is best to avoid getting the extensions wet.

Water can cause the extensions to become damaged or fall out, and chlorine from pools can cause them to become brittle and break. If you must go swimming, you can try wearing a swimming googles to protect your eyelashes dry, or you can remove the extensions before swimming altogether.

Can You Wear Goggles with Eyelash Extensions


It is generally not recommended to wear goggles over eyelash extensions. This is because the pressure from the goggles can cause the eyelash extensions to become loose or fall out.

Additionally, the moisture and heat trapped between the goggles and the extensions can cause the adhesive to break down, leading to irritation and discomfort. If you need to wear goggles for a specific activity, it is best to avoid getting eyelash extensions or to remove them beforehand.

If you must wear goggles with eyelash extensions, be sure to wear a pair that fits properly and does not put too much pressure on your lashes. You should also avoid wearing them for extended periods of time to minimize the risk of irritation or damage to your extensions.


Can Wearing Goggles Cause Damage to Your Extensions

The answer is yes, you can wear goggles with eyelash extensions! In fact, it is highly recommended that you do so, especially in situations where eye protection is necessary. Goggles provide a barrier between your lash extensions and any potential harm, such as chemicals or debris.

Whether you’re swimming, participating in water sports, or engaging in any activity where goggles are required for eye safety, don’t let your lash extensions hold you back. By wearing goggles over your lash extensions, you can ensure both the safety of your eyes and the longevity of your beautiful lashes.

So go ahead and enjoy all the activities that require protective eyewear without worrying about damaging or compromising the appearance of your eyelash extensions. With proper care and precautionary measures like wearing goggles when needed, you can maintain stunning lashes while keeping your eyes safe.

Remember, if you are not sure about the type of lashes you are using or need more clarification, please consult with a professional lash technician in your area for specific guidelines on how to care for your lash extensions while wearing goggles. Also don’t let the fear of damaging your eyelash extensions stop you from protecting your eyes. Embrace the convenience and versatility of wearing goggles with confidence knowing that both beauty and safety go hand in hand.

How to Properly Wear Goggles to Protect Your Lashes

It’s crucial to know how to properly wear goggles to ensure the safety and longevity of your lash extensions. Goggles are not just for swimmers or construction workers, they are an essential accessory for anyone who wants to shield their eyes from harmful elements.

Whether you’re hitting the pool, engaging in water sports, or working in a dusty environment, wearing goggles is vital for maintaining the health and beauty of your lashes. But how do you go about wearing goggles with eyelash extensions? It’s all about being mindful and taking a few extra precautions.

First and foremost, make sure you choose goggles that have ample space for your lashes. Look for options with wider frames or adjustable straps that can accommodate the added volume of your extensions.

Before putting on your goggles, gently brush through your lashes with a clean spoolie brush. This will help separate and align any tangled or crossed-over lashes, ensuring they sit comfortably within the goggle frame. Avoid pulling or tugging on your extensions as this could potentially cause damage.

Once you have properly positioned your lashes within the goggle frame, gently press the goggles against your face to create a secure seal. Take care not to apply excessive pressure on the lash line as this could dislodge or loosen the extensions.

Remember that prevention is key when it comes to protecting your lash investments. By wearing goggles during activities that expose them to water, dust, or other potential hazards, you can safeguard their longevity and keep them looking flawless.

So don’t let concerns about wearing goggles with eyelash extensions hold you back from enjoying life’s adventures! Embrace these protective accessories as allies in preserving both the health of your eyes and the beauty of your lashes. With proper technique and care, you can confidently sport those stylish goggles without compromising your stunning lash extensions.

Benefits of Wearing Goggles Before Swimming

Wearing goggles before swimming offers numerous benefits that go beyond just protecting your eyes. Whether you have eyelash extensions or not, goggles are an essential accessory for any swimmer. In this section, we will explore five key advantages of wearing goggles before taking a plunge into the water.

  1. Eye Protection: Goggles create a barrier between your eyes and the water, shielding them from harmful elements such as chlorine, saltwater, and bacteria. This is particularly important for individuals with sensitive eyes or those who wear contact lenses.
  2. Clear Vision: By wearing goggles, you can enjoy crystal-clear vision underwater. The lenses of goggles are designed to minimize distortion and provide optimal visibility, allowing you to navigate through the water with ease.
  3. Comfortable Fit: Goggles come in various sizes and shapes to cater to different face shapes and sizes. Finding a pair that fits you well ensures a comfortable swimming experience without any discomfort or water leakage.
  4. Enhanced Performance: When your vision is clear underwater, you can focus on improving your swimming technique and performance. Goggles eliminate the need to squint or strain your eyes, enabling you to swim more efficiently and effectively.
  5. Eyelash Extension-Friendly: Contrary to popular belief, wearing goggles is completely safe even if you have eyelash extensions. In fact, goggles can help protect your lash extensions from getting wet or damaged by water exposure during swimming sessions.

So whether you are a professional swimmer or simply enjoy recreational swimming activities, investing in a good pair of goggles is undoubtedly worthwhile for both your eye health and overall swimming experience.

5 Ways to Protect Eyelash Extensions when Swimming


It is recommended that you do not swim while wearing eyelash extensions, but if you have to, below are some preventive measures to better help protect your lash extension from getting wet and falling off.

  1. Avoid getting water directly on your face, especially in the area where your eyelash extensions are located. This can be achieved by wearing a swim cap or using a towel to cover your face when near the water.
  2. Avoid chlorinated water, as it can cause the glue used to apply the eyelash extensions to break down. If you must swim in a chlorinated pool, consider using a protective eye product specifically designed for use with eyelash extensions.
  3. Avoid rubbing your eyes or lashes while swimming, as this can cause the extensions to come loose. Instead, gently pat your eyes and lashes dry with a towel after leaving the water.
  4. Avoid using oil-based products, such as makeup removers or moisturizers, on your eyelashes or around the eye area. Oil can weaken the glue used to apply the extensions and cause them to come loose.
  5. Avoid exposing your eyelash extensions to high temperatures, such as steam rooms or saunas. The heat can cause the glue to break down and the extensions to come loose.

Can You Shower with Goggles with Eyelash Extensions?


Yes, you can shower with goggles when you have eyelash extensions. Wearing goggles can help protect your eyelash extensions from water and other elements, such as shampoo and conditioner, while you shower.

However, it is important to avoid exposing your eyelash extensions to high temperatures, such as steam from a hot shower, as this can cause the glue used to apply the extensions to break down and the extensions to come loose. To avoid this, keep the water temperature on the cooler side and avoid using steam rooms or saunas.

It is also important to avoid rubbing your eyes or lashes while showering, as this can cause the extensions to come loose. Instead, gently pat your eyes and lashes dry with a towel after leaving the shower. Overall, wearing goggles can be a useful way to protect your eyelash extensions while showering, but it is still important to be gentle and avoid exposing them to high temperatures.

How Do You Wash Your Face with Eyelash Extensions?


When washing your face with eyelash extensions, it is important to be gentle and avoid rubbing your eyes or lashes. Here are some steps you can follow:

  1. Wet your face with lukewarm water and apply a small amount of a gentle, non-oil based cleanser to your fingertips.
  2. Gently massage the cleanser onto your face, avoiding the area around your eyelashes.
  3. Rinse your face with lukewarm water and pat your skin dry with a soft towel.
  4. Use a clean, damp washcloth to gently cleanse the area around your eyelashes. Avoid rubbing or pulling on the extensions.
  5. Pat your eyelashes dry with a clean towel and avoid applying any oil-based products, such as moisturizers or makeup removers, to the area around your eyelashes.

It is also important to avoid using harsh or abrasive facial cleansers, as these can damage the glue used to apply on the eyelash extensions and cause them to come loose.


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How to Shower with Eyelash Extensions


When showering with eyelash extensions, it is important to avoid exposing them to high temperatures, such as steam from a hot shower, as this can cause the glue used to apply the extensions to break down and the extensions to come loose. To avoid this, keep the water temperature on the cooler side and avoid using steam rooms or saunas.

Here are some other tips for showering with eyelash extensions:

  1. Avoid getting water directly on your face, especially in the area where your eyelash extensions are located. This can be achieved by using a shower cap or using a towel to cover your face when near the water.
  2. Avoid using oil-based products, such as shampoo, conditioner, and body wash, on your eyelashes or around the eye area. Oil can weaken the glue used to apply for the extensions and cause them to come loose.
  3. Avoid rubbing your eyes or lashes while showering, as this can cause the extensions to come loose. Instead, gently pat your eyes and lashes dry with a towel after leaving the shower.
  4. Avoid using harsh or abrasive products, such as loofahs or exfoliating scrubs, on your face or around the eye area. These can damage the glue used to apply for the extensions and cause them to come loose.

Overall, it is important to be gentle and avoid exposing your eyelash extensions to high temperatures or harsh products while showering to help keep them in place.



It is generally not recommended to wear goggles with eyelash extensions, as the goggles can cause the eyelash extensions to become damaged or fall out. It is best to avoid wearing any type of eyewear that puts pressure on or rubs against the eyelashes when you have eyelash extensions.

Instead, you can try using a pair of glasses with a comfortable fit that does not put pressure on your eyelashes. If you have any questions about or want to know if you can wear goggles with eyelash extensions, please ask using the comments section.

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